I have known Nuno Moreira da Cruz for many years and can only testify his solid and highly respected career as a Senior Executive in multinationals in several European countries.
Nuno's leadership skills and strong experience are widely recognised and allow him to deliver a powerful message on the importance of Leadership in delivering a projects in a consistent manner. His communications skills have inspired both Students and Executives at leading institutions who had the privilege to attend his presentations and Master Classes.
I have recently attended a Master Class he conducted in the Catholic Lisbon School of Business & Economics and the level of participants' engagement and excitement was remarkable.
As part of our Training Programmes for Senior Executives within our Group, we have run a Master Class on Leadership during the last month of October.
The Master Class was delivered by Nuno Moreira da Cruz and attended by our Top 12 senior Executives. It covered issues like Sharing Values, Defining Vision, Processes for Innovation and Risk Taking, Importance of Trust, leading from the Heart, all illustrated with various dynamic and engaging activities in class. Nuno was also able to alert all of us to the fact that, more than ever, this Leadership skills and practices are key in this "new world" where Sustainability is at stake.
The feedback I have received from my Team was quite revealing of its success, by many considered the best Leadership Learning they have received in their professional careers.
Nuno's experience on leading so many Teams around Europe, his energetic and engaging style of communication and his skills as Coach have proven to be the key for such a successful and inspiring Leadership sessions. He was able to energise my Team for Action and a I have witness, now that a month has gone, a "common language" amongst my Team and their willingness to deliver and behave according with what they committed.
The three words that summarise the feedback I received would be — Energy, Passion and Inspiring. All with a sense of "commitment to action".
COO Mundicenter, sa
Rolf Stomberg
Former CEO Bp Oil
I know Nuno from way back in the 90ies when he was a young and upcoming, promising executive in BP. He matured in a wide-spanning career with BP in many senior roles before joining the portuguese oil and gas industry.
He always demonstrated alongside a firm executive attitude an acute cultural awareness and a keen sense for corporate social responsibily in its widest sense. He has the talent to share his experience with peers and juniors and he does it with panache!
I believe Nuno to have three characteristics that lead me to believe he will excel in delivering the NMC credos and workshops:
Integrity – Nuno is a person you can count on; is straightforward and frank. It's easy to be friends with him because he tells us what he thinks is true, even if it's not the easiest to hear. his opinion is always given without fear of offense or desire to please.
Intelligence - his opinion is always well thought out. Even in matters where he may not have a profound knowledge, Nuno always think well. It is a person focused on solving problems, for decision and action, being an enlightened leader of their teams and a fantastic auxiliary in the enunciate of all the alternatives in the decision models.
Social interaction - very easy relationship, clearly understanding the states of the soul of their interlocutors. Nuno can always have words of encouragement and motivation, always seeing situations on the positive side. Great sense of humor and able to transform all tense situations in good times. In the teams that he is part of can maintain cohesion with a keen sense of group spirit
Luis Palha
Jorge Lanza
CEO CLH (Compañia Logistica dde Hidrocarburos)
I’ve known Nuno in different stages of his professional career: as an HR manager, as a corporate executive and now as a coach. Through all these stages, Nuno has always stood out for his passion for what he does, for being curious, a listener, for putting people, the person, at the center of everything and for making his job to enable people be successful. In his new capacity, I believe Nuno’s great communication skills and ability to engage people will definitely help mobilize organizations and develop better leaders.
I had the good fortune of crossing paths with Nuno Moreira da Cruz many years ago, first in Portugal and afterwards in Madrid. He impressed me as a decisive, thoughtful business leader, who always applied a robust lens to making the right decisions for the business and the different stakeholders, challenging and supporting in equal measure the innovative solutions that were brought to bear. And on top of it, a pleasure to work with!
João Soares
Senior Partner Bain & Company
STUDENT Testimonials
We have the pleasure and honour to personally know Nuno Moreira da Cruz, and have professional relations, for more than 20 years.
Nuno is a great professional who has always been able to bring a breath of air introducing new, but highly relevant themes, in the way we should approach any professional topic.
Recently we invited Nuno to chair the CADin-Centro de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Infantil e Neurológico, a project we personally launched in Cascais related to children and young people with neurological difficulties.
For Nuno it has been the chance to work for a Responsible and Sustainable Organization in the medical area.
For us this invitation showed up being the right decision to be taken!